Monday, April 29, 2013

Ahhh, Mondays...

    Actually, for once, this Monday isn't so bad. I thought it would be since the power went out last night and we woke up a little late. I have to say thought, I'm doing well this morning. I got the kids out the door and on the bus on time, the MAN left for work on time, and I already have dishes and laundry going. Now to move onto more productive things. I am planning on going to have coffee with a friend in a little bit, then I am going to tan and run to the grocery store. I can't buy much but I have to get some more dog food and some milk.

    Feeling much better this morning about some things. I think I can actually accomplish at least some of my goals. I just need to learn how to manage my time when the MAN is home. It's hard to do that because his job has rotating shifts, so it's never the same days every week that he's here. He works so hard and when he is home I want to do nothing but spend time with him. I don't want to be cleaning, or walking..  So now I have to figure out how to manage around him and still get to spend time with him.

     On another note, I do believe that today is going to be one of my good days. A lot of the time when its rainy outside I end up just sleeping all day, but considering I only had a little over 3 hours of sleep last night I am bright eyed and bushy tailed! That is a huge success for me. Now all I need to do is get off of here and facebook so that I can actually get on with my day. Lol. Have a great day Med Heads!

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