Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Hello there!

Well hello there. This is my first time doing this, but I felt like it was time to reach out. I'm a married mother of two wonderful kids, and guess what... Yep, that's right, I NEED meds. As in I take anti-depressants and anti-anxiety medication. It's nothing to be ashamed of either! I am so sick of people gasping when someone admits to that. I am 100% proud that I can admit to it, because it means that I know I needed help at some point, and you are not going to hear about my kids or myself on the news because I went crazy!~END RANT~

   I am a stay at home mom, and I love my job but I must admit that I am not the best at it. Between the Diva, the Monster, the MAN, and all of our pets I feel like I am going alllllllllllllll dayyyyyyyyy longgggggggg...  And I am sure there are plenty others out there that feel the same way! Of course there are days like today that I got nothing accomplished, but they are few and far between. We have had a health scare with our little dog, and it has taken an emotional toll on me. On the bright side she is doing better!

The average day:
  The average day in our house is a busy one! Up at 6am to get Diva and Monster ready for the bus. Then I do manage to get an hour or 2 to myself before its time to get the house chores started. During that time I am usually paying bills, or folding laundry. Every once in a while I actually get time to just sit and play on facebook or something. Then its on to cleaning the kitchen, making sure the inside pets are taken care of and let out. Next I run errands(one of which is going to lay in the tanning bed, but lets face it that 10 mins of laying down is probably the most peace I get all day!), come home in time to make sure I get the kids off the bus. Then homework, snack, baseball, dinner, baths, and bed. Followed by more folding of laundry, a little tv with the MAN if he isn't working, and at last BED! Exciting right??? Ok, so most of you probably do the same thing every day to. So I guess I can end that rant too.. LOL

Ok, I guess this is all I can think of at the moment, but please feel free to leave feedback. Honestly, this blog is for me to blow off steam, but I also want to be able to talk to others like me.

When leaving feedback, please try to be tactful. I have seen too many blogs and things like that where people are just plain rude. I am not saying that you cant be honest or express your opinion, just please be reasonable! Thanks!!!!!

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